In-App Help was last updated in 8.6.4 (released 10/23/2019) if you are looking for help with a feature that has been added or enhanced since 8.6.4, please check in Online Help from Help menu.
Viewing Patient Event History Data
Note: Your Staff Manager configuration may not include this optional application. To add this application to your configuration, contact your Clinical Consultant or Client Advocate.
Complete the following steps to view patient event history data:
- From the Demand menu, select Patient Pattern Management. The Patient Pattern Management page opens.
- Click the History icon to the left of the patient's name. This opens the Patient Encounter Information window. The Patient Event History tab is active by default. The tab displays the patient's name, Patient Encounter Number, Medical Record Number, and event history table.
Each row in the event history table displays the following information.
- Effective Date: The date and time the event is effective. Since you can enter events in advance or after the fact, this date and time represents the actual time the event occurred or the date and time you expect the event to occur.
- Received Date: The date and time Demand Manager processed and saved the event.
- Event: Events are admissions, discharges, transfers in or out of locations, other patient events, hospital service changes, acuity level changes, and user-entered LOS (length of stay) edits to patients' departure or discharge times done manually in Demand Manager or in the source system interfaced with Staff Manager.
- Profile (Location): This displays the profile or location the patient was in on the effective date of the event.
- Service: This displays the hospital service the patient was assigned to.
- If your organization has both Demand Manager and Outcomes-Driven Acuity installed, there is an additional column labeled Acuity. This column displays the patient's acuity when that acuity changed and at each Admission and Transfer event. The column displays the acuity level calculated by a completed patient acuity assessment as a number, such as 3. Acuity levels assigned by the default pattern include the word Default, as in 6-Default. ADT events taking place in locations without acuity assessments show a blank value (--).
You can change the data sort in the table by clicking on any of the column headers except the optional Acuity column. The Acuity column cannot be sorted.
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