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You are here: Assignment Manager for General Users > Patient Assign Overview > Assigning a Charge Nurse

Assigning a Charge Nurse in Patient Assign

Before you can assign charge nurses, you must have identified global skills associated with the charge nurse role on the Patient Assignment Settings page. Once you have completed this step, the Select Charge Nurse(s) window automatically displays those employees eligible to be charge nurses.

Complete the following steps to assign a charge nurse in Patient Assign:

  1. From the Assignment Manager menu, select Patient Assign. This opens the Patient Assign page with the Summary by Patient view active.
  2. Review the Date, Profile, and Shift Partition information at the top of the page. If any changes are needed, make them and click Go before proceeding to the next step.
  3. In the Assign section of the toolbar, click Patients. The page refreshes to display the Assign Patients view.
  4. Click Charge. This opens the Select Charge Nurse window.
  5. Select the check box beside each caregiver who should be a charge nurse for this shift partition.
  6. If you want, you can edit your selected caregiver's Charge Start Time and Charge End Time. Keep in mind that changing a caregiver's charge start or end times does not affect the caregiver's assignment start and end times.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click Close to return to the assignment view. The view now displays a charge nurse icon beside your selected caregiver or caregivers.

Both of the Patient Assign page Summary views display Charge Nurses in the Charge Nurse(s) box. If your organization uses the optional CareAware iBus with Communication Device Services and your Charge Nurse has an assigned device, the box also displays the device information, such as 919-555-1212 or In addition, your Charge Nurse assignment is sent to the CareAware iBus as the tertiary alert for the profile.

Tip: You can set how the application displays caregiver names and whether it displays caregivers' genders using the Facility Settings Patient and Caregiver Identifiers tab. If you have caregivers' genders set to display, the Select Charge Nurse window displays a Gender column in front of the caregivers' names. The Charge Nurse(s) box displays the charge nurse's name using your configured name format, but it does not display gender regardless of your configuration. See Configuring Facility Settings: The Patient and Caregiver Identifiers Tab for more information.

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