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Understanding the Caregiver Assignment Window
The Caregiver Assignment window lists all patient assignments for your selected caregiver. You open the window by clicking the # Pts link on the Assign Patients view of the Patient Assign page.
The following illustration shows the Assign Patients view Caregiver table. The red circle around the Caregiver table # Pts column highlights the link to the Caregiver Assignment Window for Rebecca Higgins. The link shows Rebecca has five patients assigned to her in a role set to include in patient count.
Clicking the link opens the Caregiver Assignment window, which displays the following information:
- Skill and Caregiver Name: The window title bar displays the caregiver's skill associated with the scheduled tasks for this shift, such as RN, UAP, or LPN. The caregiver's name follows the skill, with the format of the name depending on your Caregiver and Patient Identifiers configuration.
- If your configuration includes configuration for CareAware iBus, the first column indicates whether the caregiver is a primary or secondary caregiver for the patient.
- Room/Bed: Where the patient is currently assigned
- (Optional) Gender: Depending on your Caregiver and Patient Identifiers configuration, you may see a column display patient genders.
- Patient Name: The patient's name. The name format and which identifiers, if any, are displayed depend on your Caregiver and Patient Identifiers configuration. Positioning your pointer over the patient's name displays the name and any available identifiers for the patient
- Role: The caregiver's role for the patient. Example roles include Direct 100% RN and Preceptor 50% RN. Secondary caregivers normally have an Alert role with 0% demand.
- Acuity: For organizations with the optional Outcomes-Driven Acuity application, this column displays the patient's current acuity level. The annotation (d) after an acuity level means the patient has been assigned the default acuity level of the current location. A black arrow before the acuity level indicates a recent change in the patient's acuity:
- An up arrow means the patient's acuity level has increased (that is, the patient requires more hours of care).
- A down arrow means the level has gone down (that is, the patient requires fewer hours of care).
- Asgn Hrs: Standing for Assigned Hours, this value shows the care hours assigned for each patient.
- Status: This column displays icons showing you at a glance whether the patient has any assigned caregivers with required skills and roles. There are three status icons:
- Unassigned : A patient is unassigned if no caregiver with the required skill and role has been assigned to the patient at any point during the shift.
- Partially Assigned : A patient is partially assigned if a caregiver with the required skill and role has been assigned for part of the shift.
- Fully Assigned : A patient is fully assigned if caregivers with all required skill and roles have been assigned to the patient for the full length of the shift (or the length of time the patient spent in the profile during the shift).
- Start/End: The time the caregiver's assignment to the patient begins and ends.
See Configuring Patient Assign Caregiver Roles and Assigning Caregiver Roles to Profiles for more information about required skills and roles and how they are used in Patient Assign.
The following illustration shows the Caregiver Assignment window for Rebecca Higgins. Note that while the Assign Patient view # Pts column showed Rebecca had five patients, the window shows seven. That is because for the last two patients, Rebecca is assigned in the role SAsgn 0%RNHr, which is configured to not include in patient count. She has no assigned hours for those patients.
How the Caregiver Assignment Window Sorts Patients
If your organization is configured to use CareAware iBus, the caregiver's Primary assignments are listed first, followed by the Secondary assignments. Within these two divisions, patients are sorted in room and bed order.
If your organization is not configured to use CareAware iBus, you do not see Primary or Secondary icons and patients are sorted by room and bed only.
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